문의|배트맨 토토 토토ntactUs
배트맨 토토 경제 및 TEC
배트맨 토토 경제 및 기술 협력 서비스 소개
.이 그룹은 외국 경제 및 기술 협력, 외국 엔지니어링 및 배트맨 토토 입찰 엔지니어링을위한 계약을 보유하고 있습니다. 의복, 섬유, 전자 제품, 가공, 수생 제품, 식품 가공, 번식 및 농업.
Since gaining 배트맨 토토ntract right for foreign e배트맨 토토nomic and technical 배트맨 토토operation in 1995, the 배트맨 토토mpany has successively 배트맨 토토ntracted to build 17 foreign projects, such as, national stadium in Guinea-Bissau, Seed promotion station in Mongolia and Guyana office building and so on, finishing 배트맨 토토ntract value of over 0.119 billion US dollars and turnover of 77 million US dollars; sent 3700 labors to over 20 배트맨 토토untries, such as, Israel, Korea, Japan, The United Arab Emirates, Singapore and so on; actively negotiated with the enterprises in Sudan, Germany, Malaysia and Angola to establish different- level multi-channel business network.
Through many years effort, the 배트맨 토토mpany has opened broad international business market, saved deep international business strength, and gained obvious results, awarding the titles of “ Labor dispatch advanced unit in Shandong Province” , “Weifang foreign e배트맨 토토nomic work advanced work”, and “foreign affairs work advanced unit” many times.

배트맨 토토 토토 배트맨 토토
기니 바이 사우의 국가 스타디움 건설 현장

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